Christmas Wishes from Barboria

On a Lighter Note PREMIUM

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Barboria! May you enjoy a wonderful holiday season with family and friends, and best wishes for a very happy New Year 2017!

By: Posted: December 24, 2016

‘Late to the Ball’ by Gerald Marzorati

My Book Review On PREMIUM

Around the age of fifty-four, Gerald Marzorati, the longtime editor of New York Times Magazine, decided to learn a sport. A difficult sport to challenge him, to test his physical and mental abilities as well as his determination without repeating his “play history” from his youth. He found such a sport. Tennis. He says in… View Article

By: Posted: September 24, 2016

‘Late to the Ball’ by Gerald Marzorati

My Book Review On Premium PREMIUM

Gerald Marzorati, the longtime editor of New York Times Magazine, recalls the “personal, emotionally complicated narrative of [his] childhood experiences of games and sports”. He played a brief season of football, resulting in a concussion. Then he tried baseball, only to end up with a leg injury. His basketball experience with a riot following an… View Article

By: Posted: September 24, 2016

Alberta's motto in the Alberta Legislature.

Important Issues of Alberta Election 2012

Pensive Essays PREMIUM

Of the many issues in the Alberta election of 2012, three stand out from the rest – control of decisions between elections returned to Albertans rather than staying with the provincial government, control of government expenses and a balanced budget leading to Alberta government’s financial accountability to the voters, and local government control for local… View Article

By: Posted: February 29, 2016