Christmas Wishes from Barboria

On a Lighter Note PREMIUM

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Barboria! May you enjoy a wonderful holiday season with family and friends, and best wishes for a very happy New Year 2017!

By: Posted: December 24, 2016


Alzheimer’s Prevention for Twentysomethings

On a Lighter Note PREMIUM

Meg Jay’s book ‘The Defining Decade’, written on a timely and interesting subject, is full of wonderful information and wisdom. The author chooses to head each chapter with memorable and apt quotes which are truly food for thought. She most probably did not think of Alzheimer’s prevention as being one of the results of using… View Article

By: Posted: December 9, 2015


Work Gets in the Way of Having Fun

On a Lighter Note Premium PREMIUM

Do you ever find that just as you start working in a job that there are now more events which just happen to fall on those days or evenings when you are busy? On a regular basis. Again. It happens even when one works in an unpaid job. On weekends I sometimes volunteer at a… View Article

By: Posted: December 9, 2015