Alberta's motto in the Alberta Legislature.

Important Issues of Alberta Election 2012

Pensive Essays PREMIUM

Of the many issues in the Alberta election of 2012, three stand out from the rest – control of decisions between elections returned to Albertans rather than staying with the provincial government, control of government expenses and a balanced budget leading to Alberta government’s financial accountability to the voters, and local government control for local… View Article

By: Posted: February 29, 2016


Dinner at Edgemont

Pensive Essays Premium PREMIUM

For a woman, a dinner invitation is always a cause for eager anticipation. There is the pleasure of dressing up for the event and there is no need to get dinner ready at home. A few years back my daughter Brooke, just out of teenage years, and my husband Glen were to accompany me to… View Article

By: Posted: December 9, 2015